Sunday, October 25, 2009

is Green tea bad for our bone

is Green tea bad for our bone
Green tea is often a healthy lifestyle choice. However, behind his ability as a natural antioxidant for the body, green tea is feared to give a bad impact on bone health.

As quoted from page Genius Beauty, a number of researchers from the University of Oregon and Connecticut, USA, are developing adverse findings about green tea on bone health.

Research conducted on rats, which are grouped a number of foods consumed based. The first group consume food without green tea extract content, a second group with 1 percent green tea extract, and the last 2 percent green tea extract.

Results, groups of rats who ate the most green tea ingredients impaired bone quality. Like the smaller size of the femur, decreased bone mass and reduced bone mineral. This group also had lower body weight than the other two groups.

Research results published in the Journal of Nutrition in October was also identified in humans. However, researchers still continue to develop to ensure that consumption of green tea also gives bad effects to the health and growth of human bone.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Making Soy Milk

Compared with cow's milk can raise cholesterol, soy milk actually lowers cholesterol. In addition, soy milk is also rich in isoflavones. In one glass of soy milk is approximately 20 mg of isoflavones, which is a source of potential antioxidants.
Isoflavones are beneficial for reducing cholesterol, reduce symptoms of menopause, prevent osteoporosis, and reduce the risk of cancer. For skin beauty, antioxidants in isoflavone keep skin smooth and smoothness.
Here is a simple way to make their own soy milk for optimum benefits can be obtained:

1. Soaking
Clean the soya beans and soak in water for 10-16 hours. You can peel and soybean seeds with water rinse. This soybean seed peel would make soy milk extraction process to be more efficient.

2. Heating (optional)
This warming can not be done. Heating is only to remove the unpleasant odor in soybean seeds. The heating process can be done by including soybean seeds that have been soaked into the microwave for two minutes.

3. Grinding soy beans
Milled soybean seeds that have been soaked in a liter of water in a blender machine. Filter using a cloth to separate the pulp with the juice soy milk.

4. Boiled soy milk
Heat the soy milk till boiling point and continue boiling for five to ten minutes. Wait until cool and ready to drink soy milk. This milk can be stored in the refrigerator up to three days.

5. Taste (optional)
Soy milk can be drunk as it is, but can also add sugar to taste. With soy milk, you can also make fruit smoothies are very healthy because they contain soy and fresh fruit.

the Apples, For Healthy Colon

In addition to genetic disorders, food consumed affects the incidence of colorectal cancer (colon). One of the foods that are proven to be able to prevent this cancer is an apple.
Recent research shows, an apple or apple juice have a positive impact on the large intestine. Content of pectin and polyphenols found in apples much, are known to increase biological mechanism to produce compounds antikarsinogenik (anti-cancer) in the fermentation process.
"Apples are a source of fiber and antioxidants are good. Apples are also rich in pectin are effective as an anticancer substance in the large intestine," said the researchers.

In a laboratory study conducted by German researchers, Dr. Dieter Schrenk, known components in apples can increase butyrate production, to prevent the formation of HDAC (Histone deacetlyases). HDAC declining production will push the growth of pre-cancerous cells and tumor cells.
Colon cancer is a cancer that is often encountered in Indonesia. Cancer is not just about the men but also women. Colon cancer risk increases in consumption of high fat and low in fiber, body fat, smoking, and lack of exercise.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

be smart to Choosing Cooking Oil

In the process of frying, the oil serves as an introduction medium heat, savory taste, nutritional values and calories for fried foods. Smart select the type of frying oil used for food processing is one of the determinants of health. So that no one select, meet with various types of cooking oil.
Based on the presence or absence of double bonds in the molecule structure, the oil can be divided into three groups, namely:
(1) oil with saturated fatty acids (saturated fatty acids)
Saturated fatty acids, among others present in breast milk (Lauric acid) and coconut oil. Its stable and not easily react / transformed into other types of fatty acids.

(2) oil with fatty acid monounsaturated (mono-unsaturated fatty acids / MUFA) or multiple (poly-unsaturated fatty acids).
Unsaturated fatty acids having double bond carbon atoms are easy to decompose and react with other compounds, to obtain a stable composition of saturated fatty acids. The more the number of double bonds (poly-unsaturated), the easier it is to react / change the oil.

(3) oil with trans fatty acids (trans fatty acids)
Trans fatty acids found in many animal fats, margarine, butter, hydrogenated oils, and is formed from the frying process. Carcinogenic addition, trans fats raise bad cholesterol levels, lower good cholesterol, and cause the babies born prematurely.

Unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6, omega 9) is often promoted has many benefits, including lowering "bad cholesterol" (LDL = low density lipoprotein) and prevent heart attacks. Lots contained in vegetable oils such as soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, and others.
However, with deep frying Frying system, which is commonly used Indonesian society, as well as repeated use of cooking oil, would alter unsaturated fatty acids into trans fatty acids, which can increase bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol.
In addition, excessive heating will change the unsaturated fatty acids into clusters peroxide and free radical compounds that can cause cancer. Because of that, get used to fry with the temperature not too high.
Types of oil that also should be avoided is jelantah or oil that had been used many times. This oil is more viscous, has a free fatty acids high, and blackish brown. Several studies in animal models show repeated use of oil can cause symptoms of carcinogenic and various diseases.
In addition, there are three types of fatty acids by long-short-chain fatty acids, namely a long chain (long chain trigliseride / LCT), the chain's (medium chain trigliseride / MCT), and short chain (short chain trigliseride / SCT).
Oil with a short carbon chain and was immediately absorbed by the body without going through digestive process convoluted. Immediately taken to the liver to convert into energy to improve the function of endocrine glands, organs and body tissues.
Vegetable oils are generally classified as long-chain fatty acids (long chain fatty acids = LCFA), which consists of 18 carbon atoms or more. The size of large molecules, so that should be processed first into small fatty acids and free fatty acid form to be absorbed through the intestinal wall.
Having escaped from the intestinal wall, free fatty acids are reassembled into lipoproteins and taken to heart. There is converted to energy, cholesterol, and the rest piled into fatty tissue. Well, cholesterol and fat that is the cause of many chronic diseases, degenerative diseases, and cancer.
According to research, most of its content is LCFA safflower oil (78%), followed by sunflower oil (69%), and canola oil (31%). LCFA content of olive oil ranges from 9%, while the lowest was coconut oil (2%).
Oil is good for health is containing MUFA and MCT. Olive oil is better and can protect the heart (because of lowering total cholesterol, triglycerides and cholesterol "bad" or LDL) when used as vegetable oil, not fried.
Vegetable cooking oil was classified as PUFAs and LCT will be better if used for sauteing, frying temperatures are not high. If you still want to fry with a high temperature, it is best to use coconut oil or palm kernel oil.

Reducing the Negative Impact of Cooking Oil

In our culture, fried foods, including favorite foods. It was a tasty, crunchy, plus low price makes many popular fried. However, eating fried food can be harmful to health.
Fried food fried in oil containing saturated fatty acids would be metabolized when consumed, will eventually increase in blood lipid profile. The higher the intake of saturated fat, higher cholesterol. This will eventually lead to degenerative diseases, such as coronary heart disease or stroke.
To prevent these undesirable due to consumption of fried foods, Prof.Dr.Ir.Made Astawan, food technologists, Bogor Agricultural University, share tricks.
1. When you choose to buy cooking oil in accordance with the needs, how to read labels and packaging, with good care. Select which include cooking oil complete information on the label.
2. For high cholesterol, choose oils that contains unsaturated fatty acids (such as peanut oil and corn oil).
3. Do not choose cooking oil just by color and appearance. A clear oil is not necessarily better than the yellow oil concentrated. Color is influenced by the content of carotenoids and other components in the oil. In some cases the very beneficial carotenoids to health.
4. As far as possible gorenglah food gangsa system (less oil) to prevent excessive oil absorption in fried foods, and repeated use of oil.
5. Cooking oil so that is not easily damaged, should not use too high heat. Control the size of the flame.
6. Save the cooking oil in a sealed container, cool, and avoid sunlight to prevent oxidation and rancidity was not easy.
7. Clean the frying pan or wok with a detergent that is free from the crust or other dirt.
8. Do not get used to using used oil that has been used repeatedly to fry.
9. Drain the oil in fried food before eating. If necessary use a tissue or paper to reduce the oil layer on the surface of the food.

i hope it can be helped.

act wisely during dinner to trim

HOW TO : act wisely during dinner to trim

INSIDE running weight-loss program, many believe that the dinner is one that must be avoided. This assumption or myth, it's embedded in the community and there were several doctors who suggested the reason that at night our bodies do not need a lot of calories.
But in practice, what happens is just a lot of dinner and then replaced with snacking habits to starve. If a snack is high in calories, of course forget the effort to dinner meant nothing. Weight loss will not fall, while the stomach still rumbling. What's worse, eliminating dinner can also result in the emergence of other unpleasant complaints such as stomach upset or ulcer.
According to clinical nutrition specialist and consultant dinner diet is not something to fear and forbidden, especially when undergoing a diet program.
"To maintain weight, dinner still allowed as long as you wiser in choosing foods and calculate caloric intake," says Dr. Samuel.
He explains, is essentially unnecessary dinner was removed from the program as long as consistent in maintaining the balance of calorie intake for a full day (24 hours). Weight was affected in total calories in minus calories the body issued through activities in a day.
"To outsmart, calculate the total calories your body needs for a day. Then we cracked a breakfast, lunch and dinner. If the amount of calorie intake in the morning and afternoon a little, you're okay enough rest at night," added Dr. Samuel.
Excessive dinner, Dr. Samuel light, it makes the body becomes risky. Calories from food are stored in the form of body fat because not used. Whereas if we put more calories in the afternoon, likely will be used for energy and activity. "So, in order to maintain balance, Be Wise at dinner," he said.
The number of calories a person needs each day can vary depending on the activity and calorie burning process. But roughly, the calories needed each day by one adult male 45kalori/kg about his weight, being a grown woman 40 calories / kg body weight. For example, a man with 65 kg weight, the number of calories needed are: 65X = 45 calories 2925kalori.