Sunday, October 25, 2009

is Green tea bad for our bone

is Green tea bad for our bone Green tea is often a healthy lifestyle choice. However, behind his ability as a natural antioxidant for the body, green tea is feared to give a bad impact on bone health.As quoted from page Genius Beauty, a number of researchers from the University of Oregon and Connecticut,...
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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Making Soy Milk

Compared with cow's milk can raise cholesterol, soy milk actually lowers cholesterol. In addition, soy milk is also rich in isoflavones. In one glass of soy milk is approximately 20 mg of isoflavones, which is a source of potential antioxidants.Isoflavones are beneficial for reducing cholesterol, reduce...
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the Apples, For Healthy Colon

In addition to genetic disorders, food consumed affects the incidence of colorectal cancer (colon). One of the foods that are proven to be able to prevent this cancer is an apple.Recent research shows, an apple or apple juice have a positive impact on the large intestine. Content of pectin and polyphenols...
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Saturday, October 17, 2009

be smart to Choosing Cooking Oil

In the process of frying, the oil serves as an introduction medium heat, savory taste, nutritional values and calories for fried foods. Smart select the type of frying oil used for food processing is one of the determinants of health. So that no one select, meet with various types of cooking oil.Based...
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Reducing the Negative Impact of Cooking Oil

In our culture, fried foods, including favorite foods. It was a tasty, crunchy, plus low price makes many popular fried. However, eating fried food can be harmful to health.Fried food fried in oil containing saturated fatty acids would be metabolized when consumed, will eventually increase in blood...
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act wisely during dinner to trim

HOW TO : act wisely during dinner to trim INSIDE running weight-loss program, many believe that the dinner is one that must be avoided. This assumption or myth, it's embedded in the community and there were several doctors who suggested the reason that at night our bodies do not need a lot of calories.But...
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