Small size, but big caloric content because it contains sugar is high. Which raises the sugar sweetness makes raisins become a favorite snack kids.
Moderate consumption is not a problem because the raisins are made from dried red wine. When compared with the fresh ingredients, raisins fiber content is much higher because more dry form.
Approximately 40 grams of raisins count as one serving of fruit. This means that half of the daily consumption of fruit is recommended for children with a 1000 calorie diet.
Besides containing antioxidants, raisins are also high carbohydrate and high in fiber and iron. Raisins are also contained in potassium and iron. Approximately 7 percent of the needs of these two minerals can be obtained from 25 grams of raisins.
However, provision of raisins for the kids to watch. Small form can cause children to choke. That's why, Texas Children's Hospital, United States, did not recommend granting the raisins in children under two years.
According to Prof. DR. Made Astawan, MS, specialist food technology and nutrition of the IPB, the main content of raisins is carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, whereas low protein levels. The sweet taste of raisins are arising due to the sugar levels are high enough. Type of sugar sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Sucrose and fructose make relatively few cavities.
Inhibit Bacteria
A study done by researchers from the University of Illinois, Chicago College of Dentistry, USA, showed that consumption of raisins help prevent cavities and gum disease. Apparently, the five types of antioxidants found in raisins are useful in prevention.Oleanolik acids and other phytochemical components also inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth, especially the bacteria responsible for tooth decay. Phytochemical is a natural antioxidant components found in plants.
Phytochemicals found in raisins this specific help fight tooth decay and gum disease. Once the statements Julie Jones, Ph.D., professor of nutrition from the College of St. Catherine.
Acid will stop the efforts perlengketan bacteria on the surface of the teeth. Thus, it will prevent the occurrence of plaques. The results of research funded by the California Raisin Marketing Board was presented early in 2005 at the meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, USA.
However, there are many experts who still think that raisins can damage teeth. There is truth in that statement, especially if the child after eating raisins forget brushing your teeth.
Actually there are two major factors that increase the risk of cavities in children. National Network for Child Care, Iowa State Unviersity, said that the length of the food is at the mouth and the amount of sugar content on food intake, will increase the risk of tooth decay. If the food is sticky or dikulum, will last longer in the mouth. Foods like caramel popcorn webbed more likely to lead to cavities.
Some foods to be consumed as a separate issue, but it does not matter when diasup as part of the main meal. Teeth have a better chance to clean up sugary substance by other foods and liquids that come into the mouth. The best way is to make a sticky foods like dried fruit as part of the main food and provide fresh fruit as a nutritious snack.
Some facts about the raisins:
1. In the U.S., popular as a broadcaster raisins breakfast. Usually added to the cereal. In Indonesia, more raisins consumed as a snack.2. Raisin low-sodium, fat free, and a good source of iron, potassium, and fiber. Raisins are also rich in antioxidants, even holding the rank most antioxidant-rich fruit. In 100 grams of raisins ORCA 2830 contained units or oxygen radical Absorbance capacity (capacity to absorb oxygen radicals). ORCA is a measure of antioxidant power in foods.
3. According to Charles Stuart Platkin, nutrition expert and author of The Automatic Diet, calorie raisin unfortunately will increase approximately one calorie per raisins. Not like wine. One small box of raisins (usually sold in a box package) can contain 45 calories. Raisin filling is not like other fruit or red wine with more water content and lower calories.
4. Before the packaging is opened, raisins can last long at room temperature. However, once opened, need to put in the refrigerator. Select the raisins with good color (not too dark), are also not damaged by insects.
5. For health benefits of raisins, you can use it as a substitute sweetener in the diet of children. Sprinkle about 10-15 raisins in cereals to get taste sweet. Can also be mixed when making mufin, as a substitute for chocolate chips. Raisins can be added to oatmeal to taste, or spread on bread that had been spread with peanut butter to enrich the fiber.
Raisin Nutrition substance composition per 100 grams
* Water (g) 14.9
* Energy (Cal) 302
* Protein (g) 3.39
* Total fat (g) 0.46
* Ash (g) 1.66
* Carbohydrates (g) 79.52
* Total fiber (g) 4
* Sugar (g) 59.19
* Calcium (mg) 53
* Iron (mg) 1.79
* Magnesium (mg) 35
* Phosphorus (mg) 115
* Potassium (mg) 746
* Sodium (mg) 12
* Zinc (mg) 0.32
* Copper (mg) 0.363
* Manganese (mg) 0.308
* Selenium (mg) 0.7
* Vitamin C (mg) 3.2
* Riboflavin (mg) 0.19
* Niacin (mg) 1.142
* Folate (mg) 3
* Vitamin K (mg) 3.5
* Vitamin E (mg) 0.12
Source: weightlossforgood.co.uk
Raisins, Snack Healthy hindering Bacteria
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