According to the 1992 Household Health Survey data of anemia in asia and Indonesia is still a public health problem. It is estimated that the prevalence of nutritional anemia before Pelita IV in pre-school children was 40%, at school-age children 31%, in adult women 40% and 70% in pregnant women. Looking at the data above, of course you have to be more vigilant and keep your body so as not to hit the anemia. So what healthy menu prevent anemia?
What causes anemia Nutrition?
The main cause of anemia is iron deficiency (Fe) and folic acid that should not have happened if the daily food and satisfy a wide range of balanced nutrition. Food sources containing iron that is easy diabsopsi human body is a source of animal protein such as fish, meat, eggs, etc.. Vegetables such as cassava leaves, kale, spinach also contains iron, etc. but the more difficult absorption in the body.
What causes anemia Nutrition?
The main cause of anemia is iron deficiency (Fe) and folic acid that should not have happened if the daily food and satisfy a wide range of balanced nutrition. Food sources containing iron that is easy diabsopsi human body is a source of animal protein such as fish, meat, eggs, etc.. Vegetables such as cassava leaves, kale, spinach also contains iron, etc. but the more difficult absorption in the body.
Diseases such as worm infections, malaria and chronic diseases (tuberculosis) or hemorrhoids that often accompany young adults due to lack of consumption of green vegetables often memeperberat circumstances anemia. Symptoms of anemia are tired, lethargic and weak. Anemia in students can reduce learning capacity and concentration, while the anemia in workers could reduce productivity.
Direct and indirect causes of Fe deficiency (Source M. Husain et al. Study nutritional anemia: an assessment of information complication Fior and formulating national policy supporting a program th 1989):
1. Total Fe in the diet is not enough, for example:
- Availability of Fe in food less
- Quality & quantity of food less
- Social economic low
2. Absorption of iron in their diets, for example:
- Composition of food is less diverse
- There are iron absorption inhibitors such as tea, take iron tablets with calcium tablets so that iron can not be absorbed maximally
3. Iron needs are increased, for example:
- Physical growth of children / adolescents
- Pregnant & lactating women
4. Blood loss, for example:
- Parasite (tapeworm)
- Infection
- Hemorrhoids / hemorrhoid
By examining the levels of blood hemoglobine then anemia can be detected.
Anemia according to the WHO threshold value th 1993 with the examination of meth hemoglobine hemoglobine Cyan method is as follows: (Intersection of National work anemia th 1993)
* Pregnant Women, 11 g / dl
* Toddler 11 g / dl
* School age children 12 g / dl
* Young women / WUS 12 g / dl
* Mother breastfeeding> 3 months of 12 g / dl
* Adult men 13 g / dl
How to Prevent nutritional anemia?
Eat a varied diet with balanced nutrition menu to prevent nutritional anemia.
Raw foods are rich in iron content:
Red meat, poultry meat, whole grains, egg yolks, milk, grains, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, beets, fruits.
Fruits such as oranges, tomatoes may help increase iron absorption in the body.
Sample menu balanced nutrition to prevent anemia:
Cooked eggs 1 piece
Low-fat milk 200 ml (1 cup)
Interlude: green beans 1 cup porridge
Rice 2 x ¾ cup olive ridley (200 grams)
Saute spinach
Potato stew meat (1 piece of beef 50 grams)
1 cup bean soup
1 cup orange juice
Afternoon interlude: eclairs 1 pc
Rice 2 x ¾ cup olive ridley (200 grams)
Capcay a small bowl
Angkak Chicken (2 pieces of chicken)
Sapo know a small bowl
1 cup strawberry juice
Before bed: low-fat milk 1 cup (200 ml)
source : google.com
Really lovely post: I read your blog and knew about prevent anemia. I s'll try to use menu balanced nutrition. Keep it up.
healthy menu food prevent anemia
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