Most of us always start the day with an empty stomach. Some argue do not have enough time for breakfast, some are thinking that the habit of eating breakfast will only make the body fat.
But you know, a research at Harvard University in the U.S. showed that people who regularly eat breakfast have a tendency to 50 percent were not overweight than those who skip breakfast.
Well, so you better understand the benefits, the following is an explanation of why breakfast is good for the body and also gives tips on how to make it as a lifestyle:
1. Breakfast can meet the required nutrients.
Delaying breakfast makes it difficult to obtain the intake of nutrients and vitamins that are recommended. Menu breakfast such as cereal with milk or low fat yogurt plus granules will provide enough calcium and fiber.
2. Breakfast can lose weight.
When you move with an empty stomach, your body will burn calories slower. According to nutrition expert author of The F-Factor Diet Tanya Zuckerbrot, RD, breakfast the morning after a night on an empty stomach can increase metabolism, which means burning calories throughout the day becomes more efficient.
But Zuckerbrot stressed that the key of all is the kind of food you consume. Foods containing simple carbohydrates such as donuts will make glucose increased, then decreased drastically. It also causes you to feel hungry at 11's.
A better way is to eat a type of complex carbohydrate such as oatmeal or whole grain bread. Foods with high fiber content and low in sugar will be digested slowly, providing constant energy and make you hungry faster.
3. Breakfast boost brainpower.
Research experts from the University of Wales Swansea prove that students are always breakfast recorded an average score of 22 per cent higher than peers who did not breakfast. When you wake up in the morning, most of the energy in the form of glucose and glycogen has been depleted by the activities of the previous day. According to experts, glucose is the only fuel needed brain. Without enough glucose, you feel tired and dizzy.
4. Protection against heart disease.
Research shows that healthy women who skipped breakfast for two weeks has the bad LDL cholesterol levels higher than those who ate a bowl of cereal plus milk in the morning.
Zuckerbrot explains, fiber to bind cholesterol before reaching the arteries. Hence also, 10-year study conducted at Harvard Nurses Health concluded that high fiber intake is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease to reach 50 percent.
Healthy breakfast tips:
1. Breakfast should contain at least 5 grams of fiber, one dish of calcium (equivalent to a glass of milk or yogurt) plus protein and fat. Limit your sugar intake to 6 grams (one teaspoon equals 4 grams).
2. If there is no breakfast at home, you can bring sandwiches and milk to be enjoyed on the trip or after arriving at work.
3. Eggs are a food that is relatively practical and easy to prepare. The content of nutrients in eggs of vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, iron, potassium, calcium, and other substances, our body is necessary.
4. So varied, we should eat fruit favorites to the needs of vitamins for the body. If there is time in the evening, blenderlah mixed fruit yogurt or milk and save it in the fridge to be consumed in the morning.
5. If you always do not feel hungry in the morning, Zuckerbrot recommends that you stop eating after 20:00 o'clock at night. In two or three weeks ahead, biological clock will change your appetite. Every morning wake up, you will feel hungry. (Kmp / dion)
source : http://esq-news.com/kesehatan/2011/04/20/pentingnya-sebuah-sarapan.html
lifestyle tips of eating breakfast is important
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