Dont let hair loss threaten your beauty.
Prevent with nutritious food intake to restore the strength of the hair root.
Fish, eggs and nuts
Our hair is basically composed of protein, which is why high-protein diet is recommended to maintain healthy hair. Choose lean protein, such as fish, chicken, eggs, almonds, yogurt, or tofu. Foods high in fat will make the hormone testosterone levels in men decrease the impact on hair loss.
zinc plays an important role in the manufacture of hemoglobin, the blood that carries oxygen to all organs and tissues. If we are good levels of hemoglobin, oxygen can be distributed perfectly. This means, the circulation of blood can get to the root of the hair, which will stimulate hair growth. Add foods contain iron in your diet everyday. Foods such as eggs, green vegetables, raisins, and whole grain cereals, are a good source of iron. Besides the consumption of vitamin C because vitamin also increases the body's ability to absorb iron.
Men who experience hair loss are known to have a zinc deficiency in the body. Zinc plays a role in various bodily functions, ranging from cell production to balance hormones, and these functions affect hair growth. In addition, zinc plays a role in hair glands that "binding" hair roots.
If we lack of zinc, so weak hair follicles so the hair easily separated from the roots. To overcome this, a high consumption of foods containing zinc, such as red meat, poultry meat, nuts, shellfish, or shrimp.
Food anti Hair Loss
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