Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Carrots is best to be boiled

Carrots is best to be boiledCarrots are the best source of vitamin C and carotenoids, a type of antioxidants that includes beta carotene. Both are an important contribution to the health of our eyes. Plus, can reduce the risk of heart attack and some cancers.According to a recent study published in...
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Saturday, April 10, 2010

study cases : Diet Effective for Age 20s and 30s

Diet Effective for Age 20s and 30s While still in her 20s, your body weight often fluctuates rapidly. When was already overweight, you rush to diet. We are slim, you return to satisfy yourself by eating good food. Upon entering the age of 30 annually, this habit is no longer easy to do. Because, basically,...
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Make Thin (slim body ) with Egg Breakfast

Make Thin (slim body ) with Egg BreakfastIf you want to keep your weight, you can drop the egg as a menu choice at breakfast. Section, high-protein breakfast such as eggs can reduce hunger at the same time prevent overeating at lunch.In a study published in the journal Nutrition Research, experts from...
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Friday, April 9, 2010

One Week Down One Kilogram

One Week Down One Kilogram Who says well-balanced nutrition calculation yielded only a monotonous cuisine with a bland taste? Food catering provided by White Lotus for example, give a different variation of most of the menu catering menu "diet" other. The target of this caterer is that they're dieting,...
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Thursday, April 8, 2010

why : Eating fried can Create A cough?

why : Eating fried can Create A cough? Fried foods, like fried bananas, bakwan, or combro, is a very unique menu of Indonesia. Fried snacks are very popular indeed hereditary. But too often becomes itchy throat and cough occur after we eat fried foods. Why is that, yes? Itchy throat is actually caused...
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the Innovative Healthy Italian Menu

Innovative Healthy Italian Menu Hotel Indonesia Kempinski partnered with the White Lotus, the provider introduced a balanced healthy diet healthy menu "Eat Well, Live Well" at Casa D'oro, Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Jakarta, Wednesday (7/4/2010) ago. Today's society is more concerned with what is consumed....
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Prevent Cancer Do not Just Rely Fruits and Vegetables

Prevent Cancer Do not Just Rely Fruits and Vegetables Eating fruits and vegetables are very diajurkan for health, but do not expect that eating habits are two types of these foods will provide more protection against cancer. Experts in the United States in its latest research says fruits and vegetables...
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

survey says : Yo-Yo Diets Can Cause Depression

You certainly have seen many examples of people successfully lose weight, but in a few years later had returned to the original weight (maybe even more weight). Kirstie Alley, who followed the Jenny Craig diet program, renewed increase in returns of 31 kg. You also know how Oprah Winfrey's all-out fight...
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Monday, April 5, 2010

healthy and food : count the Nose to attenuate body (slim)

Count the Nose to attenuate bodyA recent study tells us not to rely solely on quantity if you want to reduce body weight. We found our nose also plays an important role to move the hands to enter the food into his mouth. Who is not familiar with the aroma of a dish that can invite us to immediately...
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

THE Most Contaminated Foods

Most Contaminated FoodsThe Food and Drug (FDA) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced the kinds of food contaminated based on research in 2006. In this food found levels of pesticides and chemicals that high based on 100,000 sample test food. These are 12 types of food contaminated...
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how to Identifying Organic Products

Identifying Organic Products You may often hear the benefits of organic agricultural products. What's the difference with ordinary agricultural products? Conventional agriculture - Accelerating the growth of plants using fertilizer made from a substance produced through a chemical process. - Use of...
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Friday, April 2, 2010

Milk Can Make you sleep better

Milk Can Make you sleep betterYou are still looking for ways to make quality sleep 7 to 8 hours a day? The easiest way is to refrain from heavy meal 90 minutes before your bedtime. If you feel hungry, then grab a healthy snack. Set also measuring, no more than 200 calories. Here's a list of beneficial...
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Body Resistance increase with Organic Meals

Body Resistance increase with Organic Meals These days, eating healthy foods is increasingly becoming a trend, especially in big cities. One of them eat organic food. Many people considered it a healthy food because the process of planting until harvest is done naturally, aka do not use chemicals. Because...
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