Thursday, September 30, 2010


KURMA Pudding RECIPESDates/kurma are not only fresh when served straight or as part of a salad, this one is proof of the pudding is equally delicious.Material:200 g dates, chopped300 ml water60 grams margarine50 grams caster sugar2 eggs200 grams of flour versatile1 teaspoon baking soda1 / 4 tsp vanilla...
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

food recipe chicken kurma opor

Entertaining Lebaran seemed less complete without the presence of chicken as a side dish opor diamond. Or you want to try the chicken opor different than usual? Recipe chicken opor these dates could be an option dish Lebaran.chicken kurma Opor - Kurma Ayam oporfood recipe chicken kurma Opor (opor Ayam...
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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Recipes - Rendang for Lebaran - bakdo

new sate Recipes - Rendang for LebaranRendang is one of the favorite dishes of the day of Idul Fitri. Gurihnya seasonings and tasty meat feels right as a side dish or lemang diamond at the banquet on the day of Idul Fitri. Moreover, this dish is also durable so you can make it ahead of time.Rendang...
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Fish Consumption can Make Children Smart?

Fish Consumption can Make Children SmartOne myth says, frequently eat so smart. No wonder so many parents become eager to present the processed fish in their baby's daily menu. But, is it true that a myth?As quoted from the page of Shine, a number of fish containing omega 3 and DHA (docosahexaenoic...
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Diet wiyh No Eat Rice : it's healthy ?

Diet wiyh No Eat Rice : it's healthy ?Has a slim body ideal are many women's dream. By grab, not infrequently they are willing to 'suffer' with having a diet strictly. It is most often performed is to prevent a rice meal. Healthy and effective is this method?Many people on a diet by his own rules without...
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

3 way to eliminate belly fat

overcome belly fatThree way to eliminate belly fatYou definitely do not want to have a distended abdomen shape. Besides not beautiful views, potbelly harmful to health.For that, immediately remove the dangerous fat on your stomach with the following three easy steps.1. Balanced nutritionEat foods with...
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