Friday, May 6, 2011

javanese delicious food Pekalongan Soto (Taoto)

Material of Pekalongan Soto (Taoto) javanese delicious food500 g beef brisketbayred onion leaf, sliced ​​crosswise tipis2.lemongrass leavestauco 2 tablespoonsSpices recipes250 gr large red chilies, boiled 5 minutes for a nice red color10 grains of red bawng5 cloves garlic5 cm ginger kurlebthe laos (galangal)the...
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delicious food the bacem chicken jogja's

the delicious recipe food the bacem chicken jogja'sbacem chicken jogja's MATERIALS1,000 ml of coconut waters1 chicken cut into 12 pieces / to taste50 grams brown sugar3 eyes acid5 tablespoons soy saucesalt to tasteskewerfood Spices:1 teaspoon coriander, toasted5 eggs pecans, toasted4 cloves garlic8...
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