Wednesday, December 29, 2010

benefits Honey Tips & nutrition food

benefits Honey Tips & nutrition food Here are some nutritional tips & Honey Tip1: To Get Child Ingredients 1-3 Review of Onions 2-1 chicken eggs 3 - Honey to tasteAll materials had to be eaten in the morning as breakfast, before it should drink plenty of warm water that had been stored overnight,...
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food vegetable kale benefits for health

food vegetable kale benefits for health. This time we see the goodness of vegetables. Many people do not like eating vegetables, right? Besides supplying nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, vegetables also have benefits in curing some diseases or health problems. This series, I explain the ...
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today food GARLIC benefits for health

today food GARLIC benefits for health- DETAILS OF GARLICGarlic is planted on sandy loam soil and flat. It can be grown almost all over the world. These special bulbs are located in the soil.It was formed in the flask containing 10 to 13 pips. Exterior skin is covered with cream-colored skin. Leek lengthwise...
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today food vegetable Carrot benefits

vegetable Carrot benefitstoday food of vegetables for healthy live.NAME OF SCIENCE: Daucus carotaCarrot is a vegetable that has many benefits. Carrots contain beta carotene, vitamins B and C, alpha carotene, klasium, and potassium. It is good for strengthening the immune system to fight of many deaseas....
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vegetables sprouts Menus benefits

vegetables sprouts Menus benefitssprouts Menus for lunch or dinner in one eye is often seen by most of us. Brussels sprouts are seen as absolutely no watering dishes.But do you know that sprouts are often the last choice to make this vegetable is actually a lot of nutrients. Brussels sprouts can be...
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Friday, December 17, 2010

Banana fruit benefit for health

Banana fruit benefit for healthApart from delicious fruit to eat, it has its own nutritional health food. Among the benefits of banana for our health:ConstipationBananas are said to be the most effective foods for constipation disease.BLOOD PRESSUREFor people with high blood pressure, good eating bananas....
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vegetable benefit of Corn

vegetable benefit of Corn for human health1. Heart HealthCorn is known for his kindness to help reduce the risk of heart attack. It is very useful for human cardiovascular. The construction of "homocysteine" in the body, often associated with heart disease.The construction of "homocysteine" in the blood...
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herbal medicine - Wild Ginger benefit

herbal medicine - Wild Ginger benefitWild Ginger (Curcuma Roxb xanthorrhiza) is an annual plant that lives of grass and trunked form of a combination of several quasi-integrated base of the leaf. Each stem has 2-9 pieces of leaf, flower size of short and wide, white or dark yellow and purple flower...
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

vegetables - lemon grass benefit

vegetables - lemon grass benefittips to reduce a fattake 3 stalks lemon grass boiled with 2 cup water, let boil a cup to stay, drink while still hotBoil dried a couple coriander with 2 cups of water, let it boilto live a cup, drinking while still hot .. if you want to remove windPosted ginger added...
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Friday, December 3, 2010

the potatoes benefits - Prevention of Hypertension

the potatoes benefitsIt feels good to make the potatoes received and liked by most of the world community. There are hundreds of types of potatoes grown worldwide are of the family Solanaceac like eggplant and tomatoes.Plants from Bolivia and Peru is first grown from seven thousand years ago. It became...
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

benefits Crab Soup as high Fever Antidote

benefits Crab Soup as high Fever Antidote. Allah had sent down any disease but also the cure. And in a hadith, the Prophet s.a.w. mentioned that there is cure every disease except death. Based on this hadith is clear that dengue is a cure, but have not found the man in the field of modern medicine today.During...
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Soya beans benefits for health

Soya beans benefits for health. Soya beans are also known as Glycine max is one of seven "super foods" in the world.Residents in the eastern region, particularly the Chinese community started using soy as a health food since 5000 years ago in which tofu and soy milk are soy products popular among Chinese...
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Apple benefits for health

Apple benefits for health. Apple flavor really well known. In fact, juice is also very popular. Benefits of green apples more closely in helping the digestion and weight loss. Green apples and red apples, both are equally important in terms of usefulness to the body.The practice of eating or drinking...
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mushroom benefit for our healthy

mushroom benefit for our healthy. In Malaysia, there are only 10 people mushroom expert, if the numbers higher, it is possible to boost the economy and not rely solely on imported mushrooms from China.Imagine that in China alone there are over 100 research centers mushrooms.Our country only produces...
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Lime fruit juice benefit

me fruit juice benefit. Orange juice is believed to come from India or Southeast Asia and Myanmar. Now it is cultivated in almost all tropical and subtropical regions.CultivationLime is usually grown in Southeast Asia tut. In other areas, the seeds are used as seed. Orange juice can also reproduce...
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Friday, November 26, 2010

avoid for Night Snacking Desire

avoid for Night Snacking DesireDo you have a habit eat snack in the middle of the night? Do you realize that it can disrupt the activity program slimming diet and exercise.Midnight snacking habits of potential triggers weight gain. This is because your metabolism decreases when the night. Food that...
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Drinking Bottle is Watched in European

Drinking Bottle is Watched in EuropeanEuropean Union (EU) banned the sale of baby bottles containing drinks for Bisphenol-A (BPA), Thursday, November 25, 2010. Because the chemicals can be harmful to children's health.According to the page the Montreal Gazette, the decision of the European Commission...
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

drinking and eating while standing is not healthy

drinking and eating while standing is not healthyhealth logic, if we alcohol while sitting, the baptize we alcohol will be buried by the sphincter. Sphincter is a anatomy maskuler (muscular) that can be opened (so that urine can pass) and close. Any baptize we alcohol will be provided at stations...
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

High Fiber, Dragon Fruit tie the Fat

dragonfruit BENEFIT.have High Fiber, Dragon Fruit tie the Fat. FRUIT dragon is believed to cure various diseases. Because of his usefulness, the current fan dragon fruit grows. "Almost the same nutritional value of vegetables and other fruits," said Eko Dwi Martini DCN, nutritionist dr Soetomo.Nutritional composition per 100 grams of flesh dragon...
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Coffee is the most sold in the world

Coffee is the most sold in the world Initially, coffee was always a small bush Ethiopia. According to legend, which is about 850 AD, a visiting professor of Arabic shepherd his flock of goats, curious. When the sample of his goats ate the berries, felt my feet again, he saved some of the fruit and was...
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Dragon fruit was developed in large companies

Dragon fruit was developed in large companiesFresh dragon fruit has become a specialty of the region and often dessert stations and resort hotels in the city. In addition, holiday clubs dragon fruit, the preparation of dishes in your kitchen and garden tours of other fruit dragons. Guided tours help...
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

drinking water is healthy

drinking water is healthyWhite Water cooking / minerals essential to health. it is time we begin to change the habit of drinking water, we can gain tremendous benefits, or sometimes we can not depend on medications to relieve migraines, or any painkillers.whether the importance of water / mineral water,...
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to Make Fast Food Healthier Foods

to Make Fast Food Healthier Foodsobesity and fast food contributor to obesity. but glad to ditawarkannya.apa delicacy which we hope is a healthy way of eating fast food? There are several ways that can be done to make fast food healthier, and easy to do. Here's how to make fast food be healthy:1. Green...
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Weight loss diet tips

Weight loss diet tips todaysAnyone who wants to lose weight always expect results within a short time. If we move the pressure of weight loss programs from how we look into what we feel, then most of us will find much easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle by incorporating physical activity in everyday...
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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Colon Cancer Behind Sausage must be attention

Colon Cancer Behind Sausage must be attentionWho does not know delicious sausages, processed meat food is already very familiar in the tongue of the people of the world, including Indonesia. However, who would have thought behind the pleasures of this nutrient-rich foods, contained in fat and high cholesterol...
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Wrong way for Lose Weight (must avoid that)

Wrong way for Lose Weight ( avoid that !)Lose weight and keep it stable is an endless struggle. That is why, many women are always trying to keep the diet in a long time in order to maintain ideal body weight.The best way to get healthy and ideal weight is to keep eating healthy foods and exercise regularly....
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familiar with Dragon fruit

familiar with Dragon fruit and benefitthe dragon fruit was not long ago recognized, cultivated, and cultivated in Indonesia. Plants with red fruit and green scaly This is a newcomer to the world of agriculture in Indonesia and is one of the promising business opportunities and development are very good...
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